
My home for the next 6 weeks!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, we’re back in Chicacao! It’s strange, but I actually felt like I was coming “home”! So, I just have some random stuff to blog. I have learned lately to be careful with my accents and pronunciations, because it makes a big difference. For instance, “vejiga” means “bladder” but it also means “balloon,” like the ones your blow up for birthday parties. “Catarata” means “cataract,” like the clouding of the eye, but it also means “waterfall.” “Año” means “year,” like Happy Birthday (Feliz Cumpleaños), but “ano” without the mark above the n means “anus.” Be careful when you’re asking someone how many years they have. :) “Mamá” with an accent means “mother,” but “mama” without a tilde means “breast.” “Papá” with an accent mark means “father,” but “papa” means “potato.”

Also random, but this made me laugh. The letter ‘x’ in the Quiche language makes the “sh” sound. So, I had a patient named “Xirle,” which is pronounced “Shirley.” How weird!

Also, I found this verse that I really like. I’m trying to apply it to how I live each day:
“He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit, and I will live to enjoy the light.” Job 33:28

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