
My home for the next 6 weeks!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Feeling Better and Heading to Chichi

I just wanted to update my blog, because last time I wrote, I was sick, but I'm feeling much better now! The doctor prescribed me Cipro and that took care of things. This weekend, I also started taking Effortil and iron supplements for my low blood pressure. Hopefully they will help while I’m in the clinical setting and working. We had a 3-day weekend because of a holiday here, so I'm ready to go back to the clinic tomorrow!

I miss home and lots of things about the States, but I was able to buy a phone this weekend that actually has reception, so I can communicate with my parents. Much better. Even with the phone, it's been rough, and I don't know why. I asked my dad today why being here is so much more difficult than other places I've gone. He said either it's forcing me way out of my comfort zone, it’s different than my expectations, or Satan wants me to be discouraged since God has something big planned for me very soon. I know for sure that the first two are true, and I like to hope God does have something big in store for me soon. He wouldn't substantially provide for me to come here and then leave me alone. I'm clinging to that promise right now.

Today was 4th of July and I went to Macie's host family's house. They made us hamburguesas con queso (cheeseburgers) and papas fritas (French fries)… they were SO delicious!! Then Macie and I made chocolate chip cookies for our families. Finding all the ingredients was a big ordeal. We ended using World Cup chocolate soccer balls as chocolate chips!

Tomorrow I shadow a different doctor at the clinic, Dr. David Lux. He is about 30 years old and was the one who came to check on me when I was sick in bed last week. Then Wednesday, I leave for the Highlands about three hours away, where I will be helping as a translator. The people there in Chichicastenango (called “Chichi”) speak Quiche. Someone will translate the patient’s Quiche to Spanish, and then I will be translating Spanish to English for the American doctor team. I’m not sure I’m qualified for that, but I’m excited about the possibility of interpreting. I will be staying in a hotel in Chichi, Wednesday through the following Monday.

I still covet your prayers and knowing that you are praying gives me immense strength. Thank you!

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