
My home for the next 6 weeks!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Translating in the Highlands

Today was my first day to translate alone in the clinic... it was so exciting!! We arrived in Chichicastenango ("Chichi") Wednesday night. The hotel here is gorgeous and I have a huge room with a balcony overlooking the misty Guatemalan mountains. Pretty sweet. We are also here with 50+ other Americans, which has been such a nice change! Speaking English and hanging around this American medical group has made me a whole lot less homesick. I am working with some really neat people from all over the States.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we go out and do mobile clinics. Yesterday, I observed the American and Guatemalan doctors, and they were very helpful, teaching me things. But today, it was just the patient, the American doctor, a Quiche translator, and me. The Quiche translator would translate the patient's complaint from Quiche to Spanish. Then I would translate it from Spanish to English for the American doctor. Then he would tell me what to ask her and the process in reverse would occur. It took a while, but it was SOO neat to be the intermediate. The doctor waited on me to hear what was wrong.

There are a lot of parasites and gastritis here. I'm constantly learning new medical words and keeping my dictionary handy. Today, I got to tell a 42-year-old woman that her stomach pain was because she was pregnant! Crazy that I got to deliver the news! I learned how to put a stethoscope on someone's chest and scratch around on the person in order to locate the outline of the liver!

I am enjoying American company and hearing them voice things I have been thinking about being here. Very refreshing. Thank you for all your prayers. They are heavily appreciated and please keep them coming!

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