
My home for the next 6 weeks!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Looking for the Beautiful and Unexpected in the Day

I called my mom this morning, and we got to pray together over the phone. She prayed that God would show me something interesting or special today. I appreciated that a lot, and God DID give me something amazing today!!

I went to a mobile clinic today that is an HOUR away, and is basically a jungle and waterfalls. It's very picturesque, and I have been begging my co-workers to bring me up to the waterfall. They said it would be too tiresome, so I figured it was a no.

Then, a little boy, 2 years old, came in the clinic. All the workers knew him and immediately welcomed him. His head was wrapped in a white bandana, and I could tell he was a little developmentally delayed. Soon, I found out that "Domingo" or "Mingo" had had surgery 2 months ago in the U.S. Apparently, he was born with "meningocele," a form of spina bifida, where he had a large bulge on his forehead and back, where a part of his brain and his spinal cord were protruding. Today was just a checkup to see how the scars were healing and to make sure that there was no infection. He was the skirmiest little kid, wanting to grab and touch everything. He had the biggest grin and was just a downright happy kid. I thought, "This is the neat thing God brought into my life today, for sure."

Then, Valentin, the guy I have been working with all week, asked the doctor if he could take me to go see the waterfalls, because I had been asking all day. It was really slow anyways, and so we got to go! We drove halfway up the mountain, which was crazy. I thought we weren’t gonna make it up some of those rocky, steep hills! Then we got out and hiked the rest of the way up. I got right up close to the pounding waterfall, and the mist was spraying us like crazy! I got some pictures, and then we sat down and ate our lunch up there. It was so neat! I was sad that Macie didn't get to go though. :( Just the mist in my face and the roaring of the waterfall was amazing. I thought, "This for sure is my special thing for the day from God!"

I love it when God answers specific prayers! Thanks for your prayers as well, and God bless you for praying for me!

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