
My home for the next 6 weeks!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Last Clinic Day in Chichi

I worked with Melinda the physician assistant today. I was nervous because she was used to having Paco as a translator, and I’m no Paco. Well, I spilt my water bottle all over my pants before we even got going, so I got to ride in the truck bed on the way to the clinic to air out - so fun! My camera got wet and started acting funny though. “Paxtul 2” clinic was really beautiful with an amazing view from the rooftop of hundreds of avocado trees. Guatemalan Dr. Josephina Lux saw 46 ABC patients (sponsored children), and Sherry and Melinda split all the “sick” patients.

One of our first patients was a 6-year-old boy named Manuel whose mom had brought him in because he was so fearful, he couldn’t sleep at night. Every time it rained, he cried because he was afraid of another hurricane or mudslide. I got to translate for Matt Swale, our prayer leader, as Matt told little Manuel about God and how God is big and takes care of us. Then, a man from the village came and we all laid hands on him. As we did, little Manuel knelt to the floor - it was so precious. We all prayed over him out loud in different languages. It was moving, and I could feel the Spirit’s presence. So cool. I learned many new words today, and Melinda was a hoot to work with. She tried to talk me into going the physician assistant route, and she was pretty convincing. We’ll see; I get my latest MCAT results in 20 days.

Rick told us that we do get to stay with the group tomorrow, and we will ride back to Chicacao early Monday morning. That means we get to shop tomorrow at the Chichi market, the LARGEST market in Central America! Then we will drive to Guatemala City with the group and stay in a hotel Sunday night. Dr. Walter Sierra will pick us up on his way to work at the Clinic Ezell Monday morning.

I am feeling much better! Thank you for the prayers! I told some American nurses here my complaints about low blood pressure and lightheadedness, and they said it sounds like a “vasovagal response.” They told me some things to help, and I can already tell a difference. Such a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Love to read your blog! And I'm so glad you're feeling better :-)
    3 more weeks.... can't wait to see your "pritty little face" !!!
